Becoming a chatelain, an unreachable dream?

Becoming the owner of a castle in France is possible!
Amateur of old stones and you imagine yourself very well as a squire?
Go beyond it and become the owner of a magnificent castle!
Castles, manors, manor houses, abbeys ... France is full of architectural masterpieces, a few hundred of which are sold each year.
If the price seems to be an obstacle, it turns out that some castles are not more expensive than a Parisian apartment for example.
What is the profile of castle buyers?
While it is difficult to define a standard profile for the owner of a castle, certain criteria overlap, however. The most important, the passion for the old stone, is a determining criterion since the management of a castle often requires a consequent and quality maintenance to preserve all its charm. The buyers are, without a doubt, heritage lovers.
However, buying a chateau is an important act that requires taking certain precautions and surrounding yourself with expert advice in luxury real estate. It is necessary to learn for example about the constraints of the heritage code and that of town planning, the extent of rehabilitation and maintenance works or the amount of current charges.
Want to try the adventure? Let yourself be tempted by the charm of stone and embark on the search for a prestigious property, symbol of the richness of French heritage.